Spotlight: Paving
Westbank Group A – 2019 Update
Durr Heavy Construction has been working with The City of New Orleans and the Department of Public Works on the Capital Improvement Program. Durr’s West Bank Group A project is currently operating in the Old Aurora and Tall Timbers neighborhoods in New Orleans. As of August 2019, Durr’s crews have made street repairs and improvements on over 100 neighborhood blocks in New Orleans. The scope of work for this project includes:
- Patch Mill / Overlay: Repaving the asphalt roadway from curb to curb and repairing damaged sidewalks
- Incidental Road Repairs: Removing damaged portions of the asphalt roadway and replacing it with new smooth pavement
- Non-Paving Incidentals: Repairing damaged sidewalks, driveway aprons and curbs within the public right-of-way
- Installation of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-Compliant curb ramps on neighborhood sidewalk corners.
According to, the Capital Improvement Program includes “more than $2.3B worth of DPW / SWB work,” and is the “most comprehensive infrastructure program our region has seen in a generation.” The program also includes more than 200 individual projects, meaning the impact will be felt far and wide throughout New Orleans.